Administrative Offices: (620) 364-2010

Friends of the Library

Our Friends of the Library groups are an important part of Coffey County Library.  New members and returning members are always welcome!  Please contact the libraries listed below for more information and the date of the next meeting.


Burlington & New Strawn Friends of the Library

Burlington/New Strawn Friends group meets as needed. Friends assist in many capacities to support both libraries including, but not limited to fundraising, manning special events like parades and programs, and providing refreshments. The most important aspect of being a Friends member is sharing your love of the library, promoting library activities, and advocating for the library everywhere you go. 


Gridley Friends of the Library

The Gridley Friends of the Library Group meets quarterly.  There is no set meeting time or date.  Gridley Friends help with the library’s float for the annual Fourth of July parade; hold an annual book sale the first full week of November; fund special projects; co-sponsor a spring and fall evening program; and purchase equipment for the library.


Lebo Friends of the Library

Lebo Friends of the Library group meets as needed. Friends assist in many capacities to support the library, including but not limited to fundraising, manning special events like parades and programs, providing refreshments, promoting library activities, and advocating for the library.


LeRoy Friends of the Library

The Friends of the LeRoy Library meet four times a year. The primary fundraisers for the group are handmade greeting cards and a soda can recycling project. The Friends group members assist in many other capacities throughout the year. Proceeds from ongoing projects including two to three bake sales each year provide invaluable support for children’s programs.


Waverly Friends of the Library

Waverly Friends of the Library group meets as needed. Friends assist in many capacities to support the library, including but not limited to fundraising, manning special events like parades and programs, and providing refreshments, promoting library activities, and ongoing advocacy for the library.


Branch Locations

Burlington Branch

410 Juniatta
Burlington, KS 66839

► Email

► Phone

(620) 364-5333

Gridley Branch

512 Main St.
Gridley, KS 66852

► Email

► Phone

(620) 836-3905

Lebo Branch

327 N. Ogden St
Lebo, KS 66856

► Email

► Phone

(620) 256-6452

LeRoy Branch

725 N. Main St.
Leroy, KS 66857

► Email

► Phone

(620) 964-2321

New Strawn Branch

365 Main St.
New Strawn, KS 66839

► Email

► Phone

(620) 364-8910

Waverly Branch

608 N. Pearson Ave.
Waverly, KS 66871

► Email

► Phone

(785) 733-2400